Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of this site?
This site is solely for educational purposes, and does not provide or offer legal advice. The information provided is specific to the most recently proposed development (2024 proposals) of the former Vic Braden site and the Coto Valley Country Club properties. The specific purpose of this site is to clarify conflicting information that has been circulated, and to disseminate as much factual information as possible for the Village Residents and the HOA board members to make informed decisions. Additionally, I (the author and website creator) have opinions which I have taken the liberty to share. I call out those opinions as just that - opinions. These facts and opinion can be found in the "Blog" section.
Who maintains this site ?
I am a village resident whose property is within 50 yards of this Project, and I solely maintain this site, at my discretion. I invite comments (see "Contact Us"), and will endeavor to post comments, rebuttals and modifications, in the blog section.
Are you for or against this development?
I am against this project as presented thus far, but please review the Blog section to see updates or changes. To be clear, I believe the information on this site is presented fairly and accurately, and more factual than has been presented by either advocates, for or against, that I've heard to date. I reserve the right to change my opinion, as we all do, but from what I've seen, I find no compelling reason to approve this Project, and to the contrary, by approving this Project I feel that my family, as residents directly impacted by this Project, will be giving up much more than my family is (or the Village Residents are) gaining.
Can others reply, comment or otherwise?
Yes. I am open to critique, responses, and suggestions. I will accept email communications in any form, and will endeavor to respond to those comments individually. Further, with commentors consent, I may make the comment and responses public on this site in the Blog section, either anonymously or with names attached.
Why not disclose your identity?
I would like this site to be neutral and as fact based as possible. I believe associating a name with the website tends to detract from this effort, and thus I am electing to withhold posting my identity. At the same time, I understand that withholding my identity as means to make the site neutral is somewhat spurious, and that blog postings reveal opinions. Thus, I'm clear on where I stand as discussed above. I'm sure at some point my identity will be disclosed (involuntarily or voluntarily), which I will acknowledge at that time; I'm not too concerned about that. Also, in general, I prefer discretion and to maintain a non-public profile.